Welcome to Wave Mama


Your Space for Balancing CEO-Level Ambition with Joyful Motherhood



Us ambitious mamas need to stick together!

Is this you?

  • Are you The Queen of Sourdough 🍞 AND you are also a Driven, Ambitious & High-Performing Mama Entrepreneur?
  • Do you find yourself championing the wins of your kids, your friends, your colleagues and your peers... all in one day?🏆
    (aka You believe a rising tide raises all boats)
  • Would we catch you whipping up a healthy meal 🍲 for your family, while dreaming up ☁️ (& strategizing) about your next big product launch?
  • Do you feel like time spent on professional growth fuels your fire 🔥 as a mama, and that the 2 worlds CAN coexist? 🌏
  • In the dance back and forth between mama and entrepreneur, you love the integration of both roles and you believe they can exist harmoniously

Even though you don’t get applause for all that you do in a day, your head hits the pillow each night and you are proud of the duality you've chosen (mama & CEO) and value the contributions you're making to the world! 🌏

The Wave Mama Community will support & nourish your full potential; not just as a passionate business leader but also as an inspiring mother

Become part of Wave Mama today...

The community where driven entrepreneurial spirits and nurturing motherhood coexist in flowing harmony. 🌊

Are you Ready to Flow Through Work Life & Mamahood with The Wave Mama Community? 🌊

Don't just juggle motherhood and business—
flow with them, seamlessly integrate them & ride the wave with effortless ease. 

Wave Mama is the community where your ability to thrive in all your desires roles, knows no depth.

Meet your Wave Mama Founders...

Emily Elliot & Kelsey Reidl are mamas, health-nuts, and professional coaches who live and breathe the values that this community was built on: freedom, health, passion, growth, and genuine impact.

Meet Kelsey!

Kelsey is a mama to one beautiful boy, Freddie and a wife to her adventurous husband Dave. They also have a rescue pup named Abby. As a family, they love hiking, adventuring and spending time with their friends and family in the backyard at their river-side home.

With over 10+ years of experience working in Business Development & Marketing Roles for some of Canada’s Top Health Food Brands and now the founder/owner of The Visionary Method, Kelsey works with clients to develop a strong Marketing Strategy that acts as the catalyst to rapid business growth.

Kelsey has spoken about Marketing at companies like Google, Salesforce and Bumble - and her mission is to make marketing FUN again, without relying on Complicated ClickFunnels or Expensive Facebook Ads.

Kelsey is known as the risk-taker in her family and can often be found exploring trails on her Mountain Bike, Paddle-boarding down the river in her backyard, or traveling the world in search of the best coffee shops and craziest experiences (jumping through Swiss Canyons and snowboarding the Alps are some of her favorite memories, to date).

Meet Emily!

Emily is the founder of the Magnetic Mindset Coaching Method, former Naturopathic Doctor and a forever student of life. After severe burn out from schooling and the corporate world, Emily set out to find help with her mindset and to transcend a lot of the blocks that were preventing her from thriving in life.

She then became certified in Neurolinguistic Programming, EFT, Coaching and Hypnosis. It is through this training and her unique life path that she learned how to build a successful and aligned business without sacrificing health and happiness.

After putting these changes to work, she feels the most calm, peaceful and ‘herself’ that she has in decades. She has coached over 500 women on finding more vibrancy in their life and it is her life’s work to help women create a life that they can’t wait to wake up to every morning, without sacrificing everything. Emily is Mama to Koah and Summer, wife to Blake and has a fond love of coffee, weiner dogs and the ocean.

When you join Wave Mama™ you are getting access to the following...

  • Access To High Performing Mama CEO's & Guest Experts: Once per month, join live calls hosted by savvy mama entrepreneurs (think Naturopathic Doctors, Therapists, Mindfulness Experts, Authors & Founders)
  • Mama Life & Business Growth Frameworks: Gain access to a library filled with resources to help you become your best, highest-performing version of you (The Ultimate Goal Setting Workbook for Busy CEO Mamas, Daily Mindfulness Prompts for Mom & Babe, The Wave Mama Recipe Vault, etc.)
  • Around-The-Clock Kinship: Find your tribe of CEO mamas in our private community, accessible 24/7 for support, mentorship, and connection.
  • Rituals of Success: Immerse in a culture where celebrating your wins (big & little) and learning from other ambitious mamas propels YOU forward!
  • Private Podcast Feed: Once per month we release an episode diving into the journey of embracing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship, whole-heartedly: Navigate your dual roles alongside Kelsey, Emily & their guests! Listening to our podcast means that feeling alone becomes a relic of the past.
  • The Value-Driven Living and Leading Roadmap: Construct a wealthy, impactful life and business, rooted in what truly matters to you.